

世界大地测量系统(英语:World Geodetic System, WGS)是一种用于地图学、大地测量学和导航(包括全球定位系统)的大地测量系统标准。WGS包含一套地球的标准经纬坐标系、一个用于计算原始海拔数据的参考椭球体,和一套用以定义海平面高度的引力等势面数据。WGS的最新版本为WGS 84(也称作WGS 1984、EPSG:4326),1984年定义、最后修订于2004年。之前的版本有WGS 72、WGS 66、WGS 60。初版WGS84通过遍布世界的卫星观测站观测到的坐标建立,其精度为1-2m。1994年1月2日,通过10个观测站在GPS测量方法上改正,得到了WGS84(G730),G表示由GPS测量得到,730表示为GPS时间第730个周。1996年,National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) 为美国国防部 (U.S.Department of Defense, DoD)做了一个新的坐标系统。这样实现了新的WGS版本WGS(G873)。其因为加入了美国海军天文台和北京站的改正,其东部方向加入了31-39cm 的改正。所有的其他坐标都有在1分米之内的修正。


英版海图基准面(Chart Datum,亦称海图基准、海图深度基准面、潮高基准面),是海图中定义深度为零的深度基准。海图中所有有关深度的数值,如等深线、干出高度,均为相对于海图基准面的深度差。
Tidal Datum
Tidal definitions
Knowledge of the following tidal definitions is required for chart work and the use of the tide tables.
Mean Sea Level (M.S.L.). The average level of the surface of the sea
Tidal Oscillation. A tidal wave represents one vertical oscillation about the mean level of the sea, and includes one high water and the succeeding low water.
High Water (H.W.). The highest level reached by the sea during one tidal oscillation.
Low Water (L.W.). The lowest level reached by the sea during one tidal oscillation
Mean High Water Springs (M.H.W.S.) and Mean High Water Neaps (M.H.W.N.). The average heights of high water at Springs and Neaps, taken over a period of an average year.
Chart Datum (C.D.) The level below which depths are given on the chart and above which the height of the tide is measured. The height of the tide at any moment must therefore be added to the charted depth to find the actual depth or sounding. The Chart Datum is selected during the initial survey of any area and varies from place to place depending upon the range of tide in the area.Chart Datum may be taken as a height below which the tide at that place seldom falls under normal weather conditions.



1.在英国水道测量局(United Kingdom Hydrographic Office,全球公认的航海图书资料权威出版商)出版的海员手册(Mariner's Handbook (NP100) - Admiralty)中,对船舶吃水的限制要求如下:龙骨下余量+船舶下沉量+船舶吃水=最小海图水深+预计潮高+其他气象因素影响的潮水变化(
Under-Keel Allowance+Squat+Draught=Least Charted Depth+Predicted Tide+any meteorological effects on the height of tide)。
2.巴生港的进港指南(PORT KLANG MALAYSIA MARINE INFORMATION HANDBOOK(Published : 1 March 2005、Fourth Revision : 1 July 2016))说明船长大于200米或者船舶吃水大于10米的船舶富余水深应该留1.5米。
3.香港港口的进港指南说明了最大吃水的计算公式 为设计水深+潮水高度-10%的船舶吃水 。

4.水深+预计潮高=船舶吃水+净富余水深(Net Under-Keel Clearance)+纵摇(Heave)+其他原因引起的下沉量+船舶航行时下沉量
其中:Draft when heeled=(0.5*Beam*SinQ)+(Draft*Cos Q)
Increase due heeled=0.5*Beam*Sin Q(China steel team:0.5-0.218;1.0-0.436;1.5-0.654;2.0-0.872)



Chart datum depth+Tide=Static draft+squat,heel,waves+Net UKC
For net ukc-In calm water,we can assess overall transit safety based on the PIANC(1997) guidelines.These suggest that the Nett UKC should never fall below a certain "safety margin",which is suggested to be 0.3m for a muddy seabed, 0.5m for a sandy seabed, and 1.0m for a rocky seabed.

2.船舶下沉量研究 Report No. 121Harbour Approach Channels Design Guidelines-PINAC
Prediction of ship squat depends on ship characteristics and channel configurations. The main ship parameters include ship draught T, hull shape as usually represented by the block coefficient CB, and ship speed VS. Perhaps the most important ship parameter is its speed VS. This is the relative speed of the ship in the water, so fluvial and tidal currents must be included. In general, squat varies as the square (or even higher) of the speed.Therefore, doubling the speed quadruples the squat and vice versa.


3.Tanjong Gelang-Tide Table
