The Maritime Division provides secretariat services to the Domestic Shipping Licensing Board which approves and issues Domestic Shipping Licence (DSL).​

​​​The Maritime Division provides secretariat services to the Domestic Shipping Licensing Board which approves and issues Domestic Shipping Licence (DSL).
All ships operating to and from any port or place in Malaysia (including Exclusive Economic Zone) are requiers to have a DSL. Vessels that provide services other than fishing in Malaysian waters such as dredging, cable and pipe installation and hydrographic research are also required to possess a DSL. All these are categorized as domestic shipping services.
Under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance (MSO) 1952, only Malaysian ships are allowed to provide domestic shipping services in Malaysian waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
However, foreign vessels may be allowed to provide domestic shipping services by way of exemption by the Minister of Transport provided there is no availability of Malaysian ships or Malaysian vessels could not provide the required services.
