
1299-1599 Classical Emporium 古贸易中转站

In 2002, artefacts were recovered by a combination of systematic excavation and chance finds by workers at the Old Parliament House site (now the Arts House). This site yielded 12 intact 14th-century stoneware bottles, the first unbroken artefacts to be found from this period in Singapore’s history.
在2002年的一次考古发掘中,在位于现在的艺术中心(art house)挖掘处出土了一些据考证是12-14世纪的陶器,将新加坡的历史往前推了很多年。

1600-1818 Maritime Rivalry 海洋抗争

1819-1945 Colonial Port City 殖民港城

1946-1964 Political Change 政治迭代

1965-Present Nation And Global City 主权国家与全球化城市
