每周分享第20期 20191009

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A 港口管理(运营+设备)

1.壮丽70年 奋进新时代 | 玉环大麦屿港:“希望之港” 希望无限
2.嘉兴将实施对外通道 建设等五大行动
4.“珠江—西江观光游”首航 助推两广文化旅游产业发展
5.组建省级港航产业投资平台企业 四川意在何为?
2019年 9月份,广州港股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)预计完成集装箱吞吐量 179.2万标准箱,同比增长22.4%;预计完成货物吞吐量 4,281 万吨,同比(同口径:汽车重量按新方法计算)增长23.1%。2019年1-9月份,公司预计完成集装箱吞吐量1,525.1万标准箱,同比增长10.0%;预计完成货物吞吐量37,369.8万吨,同比增长10.9%。
7.Hong Kong’s port is failing to ready itself for LNG-fuelled cargo ships as rival Singapore races ahead, say analysts
But Hong Kong’s LNG bunkering infrastructure has not even got off the blocks, according to observers. And that inertia is likely to hamper its competitiveness as more of the world’s fleet make the switch to LNG.Then in June last year, the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore awarded contracts to FueLNG and Pavilion Gas, a wholly-owned subsidiary of sovereign wealth fund Temasek to build two LNG bunker vessels. The MPA described this as a “significant step towards cementing Singapore’s position as a leading LNG bunkering hub in the Far East.”In May 2019, Pavilion performed Singapore’s first commercial ship-to-ship LNG bunkering in the Port of Singapore.
8.China to Launch Unmanned Ship Design Center
China has finished work on its first unmanned ship research and development (R&D) testing base and plans to launch operations by the end of 2019, according to state-owned newspaper Economic Daily.The Xiangshan Ocean Science and Technology Port in Zhuahai City, Guangdong province, will be China’s center of marine unmanned system and intelligent equipment design.
9.New ports lure Asia’s biggest cruise ship to PH

The Philippines’ cruise strategy focuses on Manila, Boracay and Puerto Princesa, as well as potential new destinations in the northern part of Luzon, the country’s main island. Salomague Port in Ilocos Sur province, scheduled to open this month, will receive Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.’s biggest ship in Asia in December; the “Spectrum of the Seas” will return again in January and February.In April 2021, Manila’s first cruise-dedicated port is scheduled to open at the Solaire Cruise Center.
10.Tuas Port to be world's largest fully automated terminal when completed in 2040
When fully completed in 2040, the mega port will be the world's largest fully automated terminal, boasting features such as automated wharf and yard functions, and full-electric automated guided vehicles, port operator PSA said on Thursday (Oct 3).
"I hope younger Singaporeans will seriously consider careers at PSA, MPA (Maritime and Port Authority), or one of the other companies in our maritime ecosystem," said PM Lee. "You have the opportunity to write the next chapter of Singapore's maritime history, and fill it with your hopes and dreams."

11.Port Report: Break Bulk Markets Squeezed By Ports And Alternative Competitors
Break bulk is a shrinking market. Pure-play break bulk operators are being squeezed as governments and seaport operators around the world boost local infrastructure while ro-ro, box ship and dry bulk operators simultaneously try to grab market share.

B 英文翻译(港航+工程)


Z 跨文化交流/生活用马来语








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