
首相Prime Minister

副首相Deputy Prime Minister

首相署部 Minister in the Prime Minister's Department
(国家团结及社会和谐事务) (National Unity and Social Well-being)
(宗教事务) (Religious)
(法律事务) (Law)

财政部Ministry Of Finance

教育部Ministry Of Education

国防部Ministry of Defence

交通部Ministry of Transport

内政部Ministry of Home Affairs

卫生部Ministry of Health

经济事务部Ministry of Economic Affairs

通讯及多媒体部Ministry of Communications and Multimedia

人力资源部Ministry of Human Resource

妇女、家庭及社会发展部Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development

乡区发展部Ministry of Rural Development

房屋及地方政府部Ministry of Housing and Local Government

农业及农基工业部Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry

水源、土地及天然资源部Ministry Water, Land and Natural Resources

企业家发展部Ministry of Entrepreneur Development

青年及体育部Ministry of Youth and Sports

外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs

原产业部Ministry of Primary Industries

工程部Ministry of Works

国内贸易及消费人事务部Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs

直辖区部Ministry Federal Territories

旅游、艺术及文化部Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture

国际贸易及工业部Ministry of International Trade and Industry

能源、工艺、科学、气候变化及环境部Ministry of Energy, Technology, Science, Climate Change and Environment